Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Open your heart and chant

For many Kirtan is a new experience and scary at times it can be a bit out of most peoples comfort zone. Chanting your heart out to the infinite divine with complete strangers and to a new language for many can be really uncomfortable.It really doesnt have  to be that way,this is the beauty of Kirtan and Bhakti Yoga.Its a spiritual practice not a focus on the performance itself.
In recent times I had encountered a communication breakdown surrounding chanting and what we do. Some people can really become offended when something outside their spiritual understanding is unveiled before their eyes. It really is a result of a inner conflict of something new which can be scary and with out a open heart one is chancing loosing the opportunity to be a part of the magic of chanting and the spiritual dedication tied into Bhakti Yoga. 
Bhakti Yoga is not for everyone and like many other things in life some things connect and somethings dont.
Often times the unknown is scary but once you open your heart the love and infinite can flow through.
Chanting brings the vibration level up and beyond. 
Using Yogic Breathing this put us into a elevated state , calming down and centering within we allow ourselves to connect to the divine within.Mostly all our our chants are in Sanskrit which is new to most people but this newness also brings a mystique. All the mantras we sing are the names of the divine, just different aspects sung in Sanskrit.

We are currently taking our chanting in a new direction, not knowing how many guests will come on any given night we bring instruments as well as digital files so there is always music no matter how many people come to chant or how many do  not. Encouraging everyone to get up move around feel the beat, center in yourself , dance and sign your heart out,please wear comfortable clothing .

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Bhakti Yoga Devotional Music By Samadhi